- Pulumi
Pulumi Up
- DSL vs prog language
- terraform vs Pulumi
- CF vs CDK
- it’s a difference in opinion
- often comes down to the ecosystem, then it’s familiarity mostly.
- it’s a systems aspect, that comes down to layering.
- DSL requires a lot more tooling at a higher scaling.
- needs of the application bleeds into the infrastructure.
- Cloud has leaky abstractions.
- it’s because there are a lot of variations in the underlying properties and resources.
- Kubernetes is intentionally very flexible.
- Standard APIs
- PostgresQL
- OpenTelmetry
- OpenFeature
- Declarative vs Imperative
- Fundamental unit of config is the desired state in kubernetes, but not in others, which is why other tools are lacking with leaky abstractions.
- What would others disagree with you on that you think will be true in 5 years?
- Declarative APIs need to fundamentally change
- IaC will remain strong