Find your dream home
Use your own criteria powered by google maps, and easily gather more details about your areas of interest.
The Problem
Finding a house to settle in in the UK can be challenging, especially if you haven’t traveled around the UK a lot, nor have the network or time to do a lot of research to figure out which houses meet your criteria.
But even if you have the time and the network, it’s often hard to find a place that would allow you to evaluate areas or listings against the criteria you want, as the information is scattered across multiple places, and often time not easily accessible.
The Solution
A tool that allows you to make significant progress on identifying the areas (or even better, listings) options available that’d match a criteria a long the lines of:
- An <x> location within <int> walking/transport distance.
- i.e. a nearby mosque, or a school, or a Gym.
- A majority <ethnic / religious> community
- A <low> crime rate
- Within a specific budget range and room count
- A freehold vs a lease hold.
Here’s a quick demo
The demo showcases exploring an area (Ilford), while highlighting color-coded interest points on the same map view. You can also see to the bottom right the ability to view the selected location in Street Check for additional statistics.
Custom Map Queries
To highlight your own interest points.
Street Check Integration
For detailed area statistics, like culture, religion and crime data.
Sharable Searches
Simply copy the URL to share your search.