Recruitment Web App Proposal
Analyzing the requirements and proposing a milestone breakdown. Looking forward to working together!
How would you break down the milestones?
MVP: Full Recruitment Life Cycle
Streamlining Communication
Onboarding & Charging Users
Some initial Questions I have
A list of non-comprehensive questions for top-of-mind thoughts:
- How many real customers do we have that would be able to use the platform and offer feedback as we develop it?
- Do we have any product managers or designers on the team?
- Any key reasons behind choosing ‘Retool’?
- Would we need a mobile version of the website? or is this web-based only?
- By ‘Scrape resume data from Seek and Indeed’, would we be collecting information on specific candidates given their emails? or are we searching for candidates using specific keywords or requirements?
- We should confirm that Seek and Indeed APIs support pulling the data we’re interested in.